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Eye'm watching, always watching

Eye exercises can help improve your eye health and are especially useful for those people who spend a lot of time in front of computer screens (dat you).

Practiced faithfully, eye exercises may actually help delay the need for glasses or contacts in some people



Stop! Look and listen baby

Look left, look right.

Look up, look down.

Look far, look close.

Repeat for a few minutes.

Got more time?

Read this for some more fun exercises.


Because eye(s) love you.

Colored Eyeliner

Laughter is the best medicine

I think one of my favourite things is laughing with someone and realising half way through how much you enjoy them and their existence.



Feel into laughter.

Capture how many times you laugh out loud.

If it's not more than 10,

call/zoom the friends and family (that's us) that feed your soul.

And to add an little extra belly wobbling giggle to your Tuesday,

Slack #happy with your meme of the week.


Because memes make the world go 'round.

Laughing Couple

How's that fridge going post weekend?

Working from home means SNACKS.

Hot tip for productivity and your waist line - Work in 25 minute blocks.

The Pomodoro technique involves working in bursts of 25 minutes, focusing for a short time, and when the bell rings—it’s snack time."



Here's the handy timer, try it.

Report back.


(healthy) snack!


Because life and Monday's are for snackin'

(you when the timer goes off)

Basket of Apples

Get up, stretch, shower, get dressed, coffee, dance, work.

Routine is important. Movement is also important.



Slack the team your morning jam!

Start your day off right with some movement.

Download the app, FitOn.

Tune in to the gorgeous Jonathon Van Ness for a fun

7-minute Morning Stretch.

(There's a bunch of free workouts of all shapes and sizes!)


Because a great day starts with a good song and a good stretch.

(and ends with...)

Woman Stretching

Take three, slow, mindful breaths into the pit of your stomach

Finding mindful moments is not about denying the reality of the health crisis. It’s about finding ways to give your mind and body a break by connecting with what is happening in this moment, right now.

- Smiling Mind



Download the Smiling Mind App here. and log in with your work email.

Set up your profile for full access to meditations + courses.

Listen to content from 'Thrive Inside'.

A special program to stay psychologically healthy while your spending extended periods at home or isolated.

Put this App in your metaphorical tool box.

And please know that it's right there, alongside your team, whenever you need.


Because we are family.

(get up everybody and sing)

Breathing Meditation

And for Gods' sake, don't forget to dance

Simply dance for the sake of dancing.

There is no point to it, no end result, simply playing for the sake of playing.



Watch this short, life changing clip by Alan Watts.

A philosopher, writer and lecturer from the 20th century, one of the great bridges between Eastern and Western thinking.

Then, pick your favourite song, play it loud and


(please film it and post it to slack, I double dare you)


Because you've got nothing to lose

Dancing with Music

Our capacity for joy + delight

There's the idea that hard times we are not capable of witnessing joy, that it is somehow a luxury or a privilege. We have the utmost capacity for joy, we just need to flick on our delight-meter and, much like seeing every red car once you purchase one, you'll begin to see every

little moment of delight in the day.



Check out this podcast with Ross Gay - it's an all time favourite.

Please listen, even just for the first 10 minutes. Trust me.

Look for a little moment of delight in your day - perhaps it's the foam on your coffee, the dimple in your apple or the colour of the autumn leaves.

Reply to this email and let me know your little moment of joy.


Because the more you look for joy + delight the more you will see it.

Reading Nook by Window

You are the most important person in your life

Make happiness a priority

and be gentle

with yourself in the process.



Set your week up.

Grab a sticky note (or notebook or paper or

the side of a newspaper... or a piece of toilet paper?)

Write 4 things you are going to for yourself this week

just for you

Four things to bring some happiness to your soul and help top up your cup.

Speaking of topping your cup, it's that time.

We'll circle back here on Friday, so write them down and tick them off, now coffee.


Because coffee is self love.

Notebook Dried Plants
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