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Yoga for beginners

This yoga lesson is perfect for starting in yoga practice and great for building functional strength & flexibility without using any equipment.

Energising morning sequence

This yoga practice stretches and strengthens the muscles with a strong focus on breath and body alignment. Practice this in the morning on an empty stomach and notice how it sets the tone for the day ahead.

Wind down with some yoga

Stay fit and exercise

20 minutes exercise routine for seniors and beginners

Light movements with some easy to follow choreography.

How to exercise at home

You don't need a gym to stay healthy.

Chris Hemsworth's home workout

Work out like the God of Thunder, Thor.

Quarantine fitness routine

Exercises that are easy to do at home without equipment.

A bit of dance!

Disco Funk

This is the start of something fun!

Dancing Queen

Choreography to DANCING QUEEN by ABBA.

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